YES!!!  Here we are once again. The Christmas season is upon us and oh what a joy it is!!!  Excitement fills the air.  Christmas music can be heard around every corner. The children are bursting with anticipation.  But, amid all of the beauty that the Christmas season brings, our days often seem to be filled with stress and anxiety.  The hustle and bustle of preparations, the chaos of endless crowds, the search for the “perfect” gifts for our loved ones…whether that’s the newest video game, the coolest new electronic gadget or the most unique kitchen appliance.  All too often, we seem to be focused on the “thing” that will bring joy to our friends and family.  Perhaps this year, we might consider giving a gift that doesn’t require battling crowds to purchase, one that doesn’t need to be wrapped, one that doesn’t even cost a penny. I know, you’re wondering what is this magical gift?  Well, it’s a game-changing gift and one that will bring joy to all it touches – it’s the gift of gratitude. 

Gratitude?  Isn’t gratitude that nebulous word that is only about saying “thank you” when someone does something nice for you?  This couldn’t be further from the truth. Gratitude is a literal game changer in life.  It’s like a hidden superpower.  It has the ability to transform our life, and the lives of those around us, in ways that are sometimes hard to believe.  So how do we find and share this wonderful gift of gratitude?  As David Steindl-Rast suggests, it might be as simple as the actions we are taught as a child when crossing the street – Stop. Look. Go.

STOP:  In the immortal words of Ferris Bueller – “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it”. This is especially true during the weeks leading up to Christmas.  Life seems to move incredibly fast.  We feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day for us to accomplish all of the things we “think” we need to complete.  We feel like we need to run faster and faster in order for the Christmas season to be a success.  But wait…perhaps what we really need to do is think back to the words of our friend Ferris “…if you don’t stop and look around, you could miss it”.  During this Christmas season – don’t miss anything.  Try to make an intentional effort to slow down and recognize the things in your life for which you are grateful – suspend the chaos and attend to the now.  Take pause – give yourself an opportunity to notice things that you might otherwise take for granted. Said simply…live in the moment.

LOOK: Be aware of your surroundings.  Instead of briskly walking down the hallway at the local mall with your head in your phone checking texts and emails – stop and look up.  Greet those passing by you.  Smile at them.  Take the opportunity to make a difference in their day. You never know how grateful a stranger might be from the simplest of gestures…a smile.  Look at the people in your life. Look at the things in your life.  Notice the good actions of others. Keep your eyes open to things that are often far too easy to look overlook.  Notice and appreciate the little things because those “little” things might not be so little after all. 

GO: This is the key element with respect to the gift of gratitude – turning grateful thoughts and feelings into “actions”.  Acting on appreciation is the the piece that has real impact on the lives of those around us. Be intentional and thank people in your life for the role they’ve played – your family, your friends, even strangers.  Challenge yourself to handwrite a letter of gratitude to someone who has made an impact on your life.  Go out of your way to acknowledge people that make a difference in other people’s lives. The beauty and the true power of gratitude is only realized when it is expressed toward others and when our appreciation for the beauty in our lives is shared with those around us.  

So, as we navigate the hustle and bustle of the next few weeks, try to focus on your own practice and expression of gratitude.  Witness the power that can come from it and the joy it can create.  Remember, it’s not joyfulness that makes us grateful, it’s gratefulness that makes us joyful.  It is when we leverage the power of gratitude that we will find joy in this beautiful season of Christmas.

Merry Christmas everyone!