about us 

How We Got Started 

Ever been in a career funk? I sure have.  To say that I was facing significant stresses and challenges at my job was an understatement. In fact, I got to the point that I was wondering if my career choice, the one I’d be in for, oh over the last 20 years, was really the right one for me.  I was definitely at a point where there were more questions than answers and I felt that I was on a bit of a downward spiral with these stressors not only impacting me at work, but, also in my relationships outside of work.  I wasn’t the person I wanted to be.
I took a step back to reframe my situation – did some self-reflection and introspection and realized that one of the things that had taken a back seat in my life was the practice of gratitude.  I realized that in order for me to regain a sense of who I was as a person, I needed to re-engage with this part of my life.  This realization led me down a path of being more intentional in my expressions of gratitude – recognizing the beautiful things, noticing the small things things, appreciating every day events that, in the past, I might have otherwise overlooked.  During this process of intentional gratitude, I started to notice really positive changes in my life – almost as if it was a “spark” to allow me to see things in my life through a new lens.  The changes were good…really, really good.

In addition, I started thinking about how the potential for change on a larger scale through simple expressions of gratitude might impact those around us.  So, with that, “The Gratitude Spark” was born – a place where we can learn from others, encourage others and maybe even inspire others to be more intentional in our thoughts and acts of gratitude – perhaps creating that “spark” that will lead to amazing changes in one’s life and the lives of those around them.  So far, it has been an incredible experience to see what others are grateful for and how their expressions gratitude have impacted and changed their lives, particularly in a world where there seems to be more negativity than positivity. Personally, after developing a daily focus on gratitude, I have seen these stressors that were once at the forefront of my mind not long ago be substituted by feelings of happiness, peace, and contentment. 

While this community is in its infant stages, it is so exciting to see how this group will progress and change as it grows. We hope that this mindset change can be a spark to change our communities for the better. If we work together, we can make our families stronger, our workplaces happier, and the lives of others better by focusing on this little thing called gratitude. So, invite your friends, family members and acquaintances to embark on this mindset change with us and let’s see where this all takes us.  

Meet Mike

Mike is the founder of The Gratitude Spark, an online community designed to inspire and encourage people everywhere to mindfully live each day filled with gratitude, appreciation and thankfulness.  By day, he leads software product design teams, creating awesome experiences for users in a variety of industries, including aviation, medicine, retail and hospitality.  But in 2019, after dealing with a variety of personal and work-related challenges, Mike made a conscious choice to be much more intentional about his practice of gratitude. This mindful practice of gratitude quickly became a passion.

With a desire to think about the potential for change on a larger scale through expressions and practices of gratitude, he created “The Gratitude Spark”.  By harnessing the power of social media and face-to-face interactions, The Gratitude Spark engages a global community in online and community-based events and programs that empower participants to be a positive force in the world for their families, their work spaces, and their communities, based on the mindful practice of gratitude.

If you’re interested in learning more about the power of gratitude and how it can help to spark a change in your life and in the lives of those around you, feel free to contact Mike via email at mike@thegratitudespark.com.  You can also check us out on Instagram at @thegratitudespark or join our Facebook community called the “The Gratitude Spark“. 

Meet Gina

Hi, I’m Gina!  My journey with Gratitude began in 2016.  There was a pivotal moment for me – an Aha about Gratitude – while I was helping to care for my dying father. That very difficult time was such a precious gift to me. Somehow, ironically, I knew I was more grateful than I had ever been, and maybe even more than I’ll ever be again.  That experience changed me forever, in so many unexpected ways.

I began writing about this new awareness in a blog, and opened a facebook community soon after.  #GratiudeGains was an effort to share my own “thankfuls”, and create momentum for collective Gratitude across the globe (much like TGS). I invited them, and they invited theirs, and this community of grateful souls began to shine their own light…constantly creating and spreading beautiful reflections of positivity.

Since then, I’ve written and published two Gratitude Journals – one for the beginner learning to build a habit, and one for the more seasoned journaler who might wish to infuse Gratitude into their self-awareness and intentional living.

I strongly believe in the power of numbers helping to build a global movement, and I’m so grateful for the invitation to join forces with The Gratitude Spark.  When something free, simple, shareable, and renewable is scientifically proven to increase the overall Health and Happiness of the world, I feel a personal responsibility to spread that stuff like confetti!


Contact Us

Have a question?  Just wanna chat about gratitude? 

Feel free to shoot us a message and we’ll definitely get back in touch with you.


We are in the process of putting together a regular newsletter that will provide regular updates, resources and ideas to help you find ways of practicing gratitude that work for you so you can create change in your life and the lives of those around you.  Keep and eye out for it!!!