As we come to the close of 2019, I wanted to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for making a difference in my life over the course of the year. What started out as a little project to get my mindset to a better place during some challenges at work and dealing with the passing of my father, has turned into a new way of life and a new perspective. While the The Gratitude Spark initially was an attempt a personal mindset shift it has turned into something so much more than that and has given me countless blessings along the way.

Most importantly, The Gratitude Spark has given me opportunities – opportunities that I wouldn’t have had otherwise. Opportunities to think about life differently, opportunities to dig deeper into what really matters in life, opportunities to change the way I live my life. However, the thing for which I am most grateful for that The Gratitude Spark has provided is … YOU … all of you amazing and beautiful people that are on this journey of goodness with me. The opportunity to connect with so many incredible, like-minded people has truly changed my life. This project has led me to relationships that would have never materialized without it. It has led me to meaningful connections with complete strangers. It has led me to seeing new perspectives that others in the community have shared – perspectives that have impacted me greatly and have changed the course of my life.

While our community continues to grow in size and the engagement is continually increasing, it is the connections that make this concept so special. It is our collective and our desire to live life through the lens of gratitude that will lead to amazing things over the course of 2020 and beyond. I truly can’t wait to see what this amazing group of people can do for our world over the next year!

With that – The Gratitude Spark is planning some fun things in 2020. Opportunities for more “real” connection and for creating change – personally and in our communities, both locally and globally. Keep an eye out for:

  • “Spark Sessions” – opportunities for locals to meet, share stories of gratitude and to create real social change in their communities.
  • “The Gratitude Spark Podcast” – gonna give this a shot…we’ll see what happens!
  • “A Year of Gratitude” – a book that will come out toward the end of the year reviewing the collective gratitude and its impact from The Gratitude Spark community. Stay tuned…you’ll hear more about this … TOMORROW!!! 🙂
  • “Gratitude Spark Gear” – t-shirts, hats, mugs, candles, etc. to share the awesomeness of our community with the rest of the world – the best part…a portion of the proceeds will go to awesome social impact opportunities.
  • …and more

I’ve said it before, but, have to say it again. I’m truly honored and grateful to be on this journey with all of you. The impact we made in a few short months in 2019 was incredible. I can’t wait to see the positive changes we make in our world over the course of 2020 – together, as a community of “Gratitude Sparkers”.