Say “Thank You” with the gift that keeps on giving!
Spark cards tell your friends how grateful you are for them. YOU tell them why, and WE give them an opportunity to win a prize from the Gratitude Spark.
These postcards come pre-stamped, so all you have to do is write and send. We want to make it as easy as possible to express your gratitude!

Do you love stickers? We do too!!!
Share your love of gratitude and how it’s sparked change in your life!
Great for water bottles, laptops, notebooks – basically anywhere you might need a little reminder to spark some gratitude!!!
The Beginner Journal
Begin Your Journey!
“Practicing gratitude has proven to be one of the most reliable methods for increasing happiness and life satisfaction; it also boosts feelings of optimism, joy, pleasure, enthusiasm, and other positive emotions.” – The Journal of Positive Psychology
Overflowing with Gratitude is a 90-day journal formatted for quickly building a habit of documenting three specific “thankfuls” each day. Simply designed for daily use, with weekly activities to prompt further inspiration and thoughts around gratitude.
21 days to build a habit, 60 days to auto-pilot, 90 days to create a lifestyle.
”We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle

The Expanded Journal
Lean In to Happiness! There is no faster road to Happiness than an Attitude of Gratitude, and that requires constant recognition of the people/things/circumstances for which you’re thankful!
Building a habit of documenting three specific things daily works in several ways, but most importantly to turn your full attention to the feelings around each item. This expanded journal includes the basics of documentation, and launches further into activities and processes that aid in BEing Grateful. To BE is a verb meaning to equal…in order to equal Gratitude, those thankful feelings must be expressed and lived!
WEEKLY: Inspirational Quote Excitement Building Self-Gratitude Journal Prompts for Reflection
DAILY Tracking to build awareness Motivation to build habits Self-determination to build your desired life Journal space for documenting three specific thankfuls
BONUS CONTENT Gratitude in Action Ideas Gratitude Trigger Ideas Lined Note/Journal Pages
90 days of Leaning In to Happiness through a Lifestyle of Gratitude -Learn your life, Love your life, Change your life.
A freebie!!!
The Digital Spark CarD
We are all about Gratitude In Action, so we want to give you the opportunity to thank somebody, anybody, as many people as you wish with this free DIGITAL SPARK CARD!
So go, make someone’s day!
Download or Save the image to the right and send this to at least one person…or two….or a hundred!!!
1. Tell them why you’re grateful
2. Tell them to scan the code!
Say “thank you” in a fun unique way that leaves you both smiling!
We are in the process of putting together a regular newsletter that will provide regular updates, resources and ideas to help you find ways of practicing gratitude that work for you so you can create change in your life and the lives of those around you. Keep and eye out for it!!!