So, as 2020 wraps up, I sit here wrapping up my day, drinking a beer and listening to an all-time classic song by Boston called Don’t Look Back. Seems beyond fitting given the year we all just experienced. To me, it seemed like a roller coaster ride where we had no idea what turn was coming next, no idea if there is another hill or a valley around the next turn and uncertain if we’d ever come to a stop at the end of the ride.Well, we are coming to the end of 2020…that we know. And, with all of the craziness that came with this year, for me, there were countless opportunities to see life through a lens of gratitude. So, as an ode to 2020, I wanted to write down a few of the lessons I learned in 2020 even with (or maybe due to) the challenges and chaos that came with a global pandemic.

  1. Connection can still happen even across a great distance.
  2. Taking a break is productive. Slowing down to speed up is a real thing.
  3. The best way to live life is living life in the moment.
  4. Dogs really do love you unconditionally and they make incredible friends during a pandemic.
  5. Don’t take anything for granted. We’ve all seen this year how easily those mundane things, the things we take for granted can be taken away from us. And we’ve all felt the real pain that comes with that loss. So, I will not be taking anything for granted anymore.
  6. “Experiences” are better than “things”.
  7. Finding contentment is a critical step in finding happiness.
  8. Embracing challenges can lead us to incredible change.
  9. Like-minded people can change the world….together.
  10. Gratitude makes a difference…a world of difference.

I am convinced that the lessons I learned this year would be different without all of you part of The Gratitude Spark community, sharing your wisdom, your empathetic perspective, your kind hearts and your generosity. I have no question that you have all helped me to view our world through a grateful mindset – and for that, I feel like I’m a better person and better prepared for whatever comes in 2021.So, thank you all…for all that you have done over the course of the year. I can’t want to see what we do in 2021. Oh…and as a parting shot….screw you 2020!!! Yeah…that felt good!

Happy New Year friends…