So, it’s confession time. I’m a big fan of breweries. I just love them. The reason – they are “happy” places. Every time I visit a brewery, I look around to the other patrons and undoubtedly, one thing comes to the surface – happiness. There are smiles. There is laughter. There is friendship. On this occasion, the room is filled with people, some playing games, some just having conversations, but all simply enjoying the company of their friends and family. I just can’t help but “people-watch” when I’m at a brewery, and today, the people-watching activity has me focused on one person in particular today – a little boy, probably no more than 5 years old. This little guy is truly the definition of happiness. He is running around the brewery to different tables, talking to everyone along the way, handing out high-fives to each group of people he passes, laughing all the while. He’s having the time of his life! 

As I let this soak in, it hit me that I think we can learn a lesson from this little guy’s approach to life. As a little boy, I am sure he doesn’t fully understand the concept of gratitude – in fact, he may have never even heard the word before. However, his display of gratitude is nothing short of inspiring. He seems genuinely happy to be interacting with others and his surroundings. He is enjoying life without being dragged down by ‘boring adults’. He is not letting the fact that there aren’t any of the typical “fun” 5-year old activities like video games he might find in other establishments get in the way of his happiness. This little guy is truly living in, and appreciating, the moment in which he finds himself. It seems that for him, it’s not about what happened an hour ago, or what might happen later in the afternoon. It’s about right now…this moment. It is lessons like this that we, as adults, can, and should, take as learning opportunities. 

The journey of life can be pretty amazing. Sure, it can be difficult, challenging and uncertain at times. There are always bumps along the way – that’s just life. But even with those challenges, life truly is a beautiful journey. Far too often, I think we are so focused on our destination that we forget to appreciate the journey.  We are caught up with getting the next “thing” – the promotion, the house, the car. We let the pursuit of what’s next get in the way of allowing us to fully appreciate the moment we are in. We forget to slow down and appreciate all that surrounds us in the moment. We miss far too much goodness in our lives because we are focused on the pursuit of what we think should be next. 

So do just that, slow down. Look at the goodness around you. Look at the people around you, those you know, and those you don’t know. Notice the smells – maybe you are sitting by a flower bed or by a kitchen creating delicious food. Notice the sounds – are the birds chirping outside? Is there a new song playing that you’ve never heard? In this moment, find something, anything, to appreciate. 

That is what The Gratitude Spark is all about. It is that ‘spark’ that pushes us towards a more gratitude-centered mindset. That gratitude-centered mindset starts in the here and now. It starts in the moment. We can be grateful for things that will happen in the future like that promotion, the house or the car. But if we don’t appreciate the things that lead us there, we will never experience the happiness and joy that is undoubtedly connected to the moments along the way.

So, join me in learning a thing or two from this little 5-year old boy. Be appreciative of the situation you find yourself in, no matter how difficult, challenging or uncertain. There is something beautiful around you right here, right now. Notice it, appreciate it and be grateful for it