I am sitting here at a very busy brewery on a cloudy Saturday afternoon. The room is filled with people, some playing games, some just having conversations and all enjoying each other’s company. I can’t help but “people-watch”. One of the individuals that has captured my attention is a little boy, no more than 5 years old. This boy is running around the brewery to different tables, talking to different people and handing out high-fives to each group of people he passes, laughing all the while. I think we can learn a lesson from this boy’s attitude.

As a little boy, I am sure he doesn’t fully understand the concept of gratitude – he may have never even heard the word before. However, his display of gratitude is nothing short of inspiring. He seems truly happy to be interacting with others and his surroundings, enjoying life without being dragged down by ‘boring adults’ or not having any fun 5-year old activities. He is making the most of the moment he finds himself in, and I think that’s something that we can all learn from.

The journey of life is beautiful. It can be hard and it can be scary, but nonetheless it is beautiful. So often, I think we are so focused on our destination that we forget to appreciate the journey.  We are caught up with getting that promotion, getting into a great school or moving to a new city that we forget to stop and look around us and appreciate all that we are surrounded by. So do that. Stop. Look around you. Look at the people around you – those you know, and those you don’t know. Notice the smells – maybe you are sitting by a flower bed or by a kitchen creating delicious food. Notice the sounds – are the birds chirping outside? Or is there a new song playing that you’ve never heard? And in this moment, find something to appreciate. Follow the lead of this little boy. Be appreciative of the situation you find yourself in, no matter how hard or scary – there IS something beautiful around you right now. Notice it, and dwell on it for a few minutes, and be grateful for it.

That is what The Gratitude Spark is all about. It is that ‘spark’ that pushes us towards a more gratitude-centered mindset. That gratitude-centered mindset starts in the here and now. We can be grateful for things that will happen in the future like that promotion, or acceptance into a great school or a move to a new city. But if we don’t appreciate the things that lead us there, we may never get the joy out of life that this little 5-year old boy is experiencing right now. So live in the moment, but don’t forfeit your drive and motivation to get where you want to be. Notice the little things along this beautiful journey you find yourself on.

I think I’ll order another beer now. Cheers, friends.