The Coffee Crew
I’m sitting here at a local coffee shop – early on a Saturday morning just considering what to write for my next blog post. I have always read that there are things to be grateful for everywhere…at all times. So, I thought I’d just sit back and find things in my current environment for which I could be grateful.
My Chai Latte – yes…super grateful for my Chai Latte. I’m not a coffee drinker, so, this is the next best thing – actually, in my mind, it’s better than coffee, but, I say that at the risk of all you coffee lovers coming after me with rage in your eyes. The “busyness” of the coffee shop – yup, I love the fact that the employees seem to be having fun interacting with each other, with the customers – helping to ensure that we all have a really great experience. But what sticks out for me here is the group of men sitting over by the fireplace. I have been at this coffee shop on a Saturday morning before and every time I’m here, so are they. I suspect it’s a group who meets once a week just to catch up over a cup of coffee. I can overhear a bit of their conversation – it’s just about the little things – what happened yesterday, upcoming sporting events, local news.
Today, a few things stand out for me – 1) Their laughter – there honestly might not be much better than a really good belly laugh. I’m hearing those now from this group of guys. 2) What appears to be a genuine connection with one another. There are times when you can tell that people just genuinely enjoy being with each other. I’m witnessing that now. 3) A son. One of the men brought his son today. The best part, the son was welcomed just like an old friend and is taking part in the conversations just as the other long-timers.
It might be the little things that they are talking about every Saturday morning, but, it’s no secret that those little things become the big things. This regular meeting of friends is probably a small part of their weekly routine, but, I have no doubt it will be something for which they are truly grateful. In fact, I am thankful for just having the opportunity to witness their connection.
I think that’s something that we all could stand to do a little more often – seek out connections. Sometimes all it takes is a quick phone call to a friend that you haven’t spoken to for awhile. Maybe it’s a pit stop on your next neighborhood walk to chat with a neighbor with whom you haven’t had a chance to speak to recently because of your busy schedules. Perhaps it’s a conversation you strike up with a stranger – who knows, that introduction might turn into a recurring opportunity to build that connection at your local coffee shop every Saturday morning. Whatever it is – the friend, the neighbor, the stranger – just connect – I suspect you will look back at that connection with a true sense of gratitude in the not-too-distant future.
p.s., On my way out, one of the guys got up to shake my hand and invited me to next Saturday’s catch-up session with The Coffee Crew.
Boom! Connection!!!