Grace And Gratitude From America’s Favorite Rapping Teacher with Dwayne Reed

Grace And Gratitude From America’s Favorite Rapping Teacher with Dwayne Reed

Are you interested in learning more about how we can create a stronger future generation simply by showing grace and gratitude to the children of today?  On today’s episode, you’ll learn strategies that we can all apply to how we interact with the children in our lives to empower and encourage them to a path of greatness. 

Today we’re chatting with Dwayne Reed – or “Mr. Reed” as he is known to his scholars. He is the teacher you always wished you had. 

Back in 2016, Dwayne was catapulted into notoriety by his blockbuster video, “Welcome to the Fourth Grade”, which has received close to 2 million views. In fact, Dwayne and his work have been featured on things like Good Morning America, World News Tonight, BBC News, The Jimmy Kimmel Live Show, and in The Washington Post and Time Magazine.

This past March, his debut novel, Simon B. Rhymin’, was released. Through this book, and the adventures of Simon Barnes, Dwayne is inspiring young readers everywhere to use their voice to create change within their communities.

Join us as he shares his story of how he is impacting our future generations through grace, gratitude …. and some pretty awesome rapping.

Dwayne is “America’s Favorite Rapping Teacher” and Chief Enthusiasm Officer of TeachMrReed, the global education company inspiring the world to make learning fun again.

You can find Dwayne’s debut novel, Simon B. Rhymin on Amazon or wherever you purchase your books.  You can also find him pretty much everywhere on YouTube and on his Social Media platforms @TeachMrReed.

How An 8-Year Old Boy Is Changing The World with Nicole and Vinny Skaro

How An 8-Year Old Boy Is Changing The World with Nicole and Vinny Skaro

What drives an 8-year old boy to forego a Make-A-Wish trip to Disney World and instead, donate all of the money that would have gone to the trip to an all-inclusive, wheelchair accessible park in his hometown?  Well, that’s the story of Vinny Skaro and his family.

On today’s episode, join us to learn about grit and determination and how we can all weave a grateful mindset into all that we do – even if you’re 8 years old!!!

Today we are chatting with Vinny Skaro and his mom, Nicole.  This is a story about the challenges and struggles of one family – many of which most of us couldn’t even imagine.  It’s also a story of gratitude and good will.  It’s a story of inspiration and the amazing ways one young old boy is changing the world.

Vinny has had special needs since he was a couple of days old. He has had feeding tubes, holter monitors, countless medical exams, and several acute life threatening episodes. Vinny has a rare genetic disorder that causes a multitude of symptoms including epilepsy and he suffers from the most severe – including night time seizures.  Even with all of that, Vinny has a love of life that is nothing short of inspiring.  He is the life of the party and always loves to crack a good joke – and, just as a heads-up, I have no doubt that Vinny will bring a smile to your face during this conversation.

In 2020, Make-a-Wish offered to send Vinny and his family to Disney World.  Unfortunately, COVID-19 got in the way of those plans and the trip was postponed.  But, Vinny had other ideas!  This 8-year old boy, with a heart of compassion, decided  instead of the whole family going to celebrate life at Disney World, that he’d rather donate the money to help build an inclusive playground in his hometown so all kids with special needs can play at the park.

It is gratitude and compassion like that that can only be learned from the examples and actions of a mom and dad.  So join us as we hear this inspiring story of challenge, struggle, inspiration and gratitude and the life choices one little boy is making to literally change the world.

To learn more about the Vinny and the Skaro family and what they are doing to change the world, please visit:

Finding Joy and Gratitude Through Empowered Adventures with Pamela Chester

Finding Joy and Gratitude Through Empowered Adventures with Pamela Chester

Changing career paths is a scary thing! Changing career paths at age 57 is REALLY scary!!!  Join us to learn about techniques and strategies, all based on a grateful mindset, that can be life transforming and empowering in your pursuit for a joyful life.   On today’s episode we’re chatting with Pamela Chester.  Pamela is an independent woman, a Life Coach extraordinaire and a guru of empowered adventure. Pamela’s journey has taken her from Philadelphia to New York to Southern California. At each stop, she has endured plenty of new beginnings and new opportunities, as well as her fair share of struggles and challenges, But, at 57 years of age, Pamela’s life took a dramatic turn. It was then that she found true joy and really dug into gratitude – a life-changing journey to the most foreign of lands – Bali.  Since then, her mission became showing would-be-travelers that there is nothing to fear in creating their own solo adventures and finding joy and gratitude along the way! Her programs are designed to help with complete personal transformation and to empower women to bring out their inner warrior spirit. She is encouraging women of all ages to cast a vivid vision of their futures, and to seize the opportunity to search for joy and gratitude through the experience of travel. To learn more about Pamela and her life coaching opportunities, check out her Instagram account (@1PamelaChester) or visit her website at:

Serving Those Who Serve Our Country with Debbie Matull

Serving Those Who Serve Our Country with Debbie Matull

On today’s episode we’re chatting with Debbie Matull. Debbie is a wife of a Vet, and mother of active duty service members, so she’s all too familiar with the separation of military life.

When she was looking for a way to get a surprise to her kid far away, she stumbled upon a facebook group called “Birthday Wishes”, and in doing so, stepped into her “retired-life” purpose!

Listen in as we talk about the stories of gratitude that have shaped her recent journey, the people who helped her, and the many that she continues to help…just to deliver a little piece of “magic from a mom” to our service men and women.

So with that…let’s meet Debbie.

A Month For Mom

A Month For Mom

“To the world, you are a mother, but to your family, you are the world.” —Author Unknown

The second Sunday of every May – oh what a beautiful day it is.  It’s the day that the calendar tells us we get to celebrate a certain woman.  The woman that has been there from the start.  The woman that would trade places with you in a second if you were in harms way.  The woman who would do literally anything for you.  The woman that gave you the best gift of your life…life itself.  But why just one day.  There are 364 more days in the year.  Why just one?  I’d like to invite you to join me in a month-long celebration of that woman – the one that has dedicated her life to ensuring your life is the best it can be – your mom (or your step-mom, or your mother-in-law, or your grandma, or your foster mom, or whoever is “mom” to you).   

We all have a special place in our hearts for the woman that we call mom.  For me, that place in my heart is immense.  My mom is one of two of my life role models (my dad being the other).  She has  taught me what it means to love unconditionally, to respect completely and to live with compassion.  She  has been by my side during every challenge and struggle I have faced over the course of my life.  She is one of the most selfless people I have ever known.  She is the one that taught me, perhaps without even knowing it, what it means to be grateful.  

Ah yes…being grateful. It’s something that I’ve thought a lot about over the last few years. In fact, it’s what The Gratitude Spark is all about – viewing life through the lens of gratitude. Luckily for me, that’s one of the lenses through which I see my mom. I am grateful for everything about her – for her dedication, for her selflessness and for her approach to life. I’m grateful for the life lessons she’s taught me, for the connection she cultivated in our family and for the sacrifices she has made for me so many times over the course of my life. I’m grateful for the walks we’ve taken, for the phone conversations we’ve had and the text messages we send on virtually a daily basis. Most of all, I’m grateful for time – time talking to her, for time learning from her and for time spent with her. For me, she is the definition of how I approach gratitude in my life.

I know I’m not alone  with those types of thoughts.  I have no doubt that you have stories and memories of how  your mom impacted your life in the most beautiful and amazing way.  So, doesn’t it make sense to honor this woman for more than just one day a year?  The answer to that is a resounding yes!  If you’re with me on this, let’s make this more than just Mother’s Day – let’s make this “Mother’s Month”. Let’s take the opportunity to shower the moms in our life with love and gratitude each and every day for the rest of May (don’t worry dads – your month is coming in June).  Every day, let her know how much you appreciate her for all she has done for you.  I think a phone call to let her know how grateful you are that you get to call her mom will simply make her day.  Perhaps some unexpected flowers delivered to her home might put a smile on her face.  I kind of suspect a hand-written note telling her how much you love her will warm her heart.  There is so much to be grateful for when it comes to the woman that gave you life. Whatever it is…whatever that expression of gratitude might be, don’t let it slide.  Because, to the world, she is your mother, but to you, she is your world.