It’s November.  It’s the month of “Thanksgiving”!!!  The month we are supposed to be thankful for all of the blessings life has provided.  But, I’ll be honest, over the last several years, this month has become a bit of a challenging time of year for me personally. It has been during this month that I’ve lost some incredibly special people, people that have quite literally changed the course of my life.  It has now become a month, no longer for necessarily “making” memories with these amazing people, but for appreciating the beautiful memories and connections that shaped our lives together.  It has become a month for reframing my perspective and for finding gratitude and thankfulness for the opportunity to create amazing moments with each of them.

There truly is so much to be thankful for in our lives.  While sometimes it might be difficult to see it, it’s there. It just might take a little more focus once in a while.  For me, I’m thankful for time, time to create memories with those that I love. I’m thankful for those memories. I’m thankful for my family and friends.  I’m thankful for medical teams that keep families safe and whole. I’m thankful for the unconditional love I receive from my dogs. I’m thankful for the connections I have made with others and for those that I will make each day moving forward. I’m thankful for the way those connections change my life in such amazing ways. I’m thankful for Reeses Peanut Butter Cups (yup…I love them!).  I’m thankful for so many things. But, most of all, I’m just thankful for life – for the opportunities I am given every day to experience our beautiful world.  The best part – the list could go on and on.

Don’t get me wrong, it hasn’t been easy. As anyone who has lost a loved one knows, getting to a point of appreciation and thankfulness can be a long and arduous journey.  At the same time, there are reasons to be thankful. So many reasons. They are all around us — every day and in every moment.  To be honest, it might be that even a little bit of focus on these things might make that journey a little less long and arduous.

What are you thankful for? I challenge you – take time to reflect, to look around and to notice all of the goodness that has brought you to this point in your life.  There is much for all of us to be thankful for.  In fact, the goodness in our lives is undoubtedly overflowing. Sometimes it just takes a few moments of pause and reflection to notice it. 

So, here’s an idea!  Let’s do it! Right now!  Grab a pen and paper.  Start writing.  I’m pretty sure you’ll be surprised at how much goodness will end up on that piece of paper. 

Ready – Set – GO!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!