In the immortal words of Ferris Bueller, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it.” In all honesty, it really is true. Life often does move so fast that it’s easy to miss some of the more important things in life if you don’t have an intentional focus. Gratitude definitely falls into this camp. Sure, being grateful is a good thing; however, developing a “habit of gratitude” can be kind of tricky. We all know that expressing gratitude is beneficial and can make a big difference in our overall sense of well-being. But, as with anything, without intentional effort, it’s easy for a person to lose momentum with respect to their practices and expressions of gratitude that are needed for it to become a “habit”.
Sure, there are lots of ways to cultivate a habit of gratitude, but, even these strategies like journaling and writing gratitude letters can be challenging given our busy schedules. At times, they can even start to feel almost more like a “chore” than a way of improving your life. So this month, let’s make it easy on ourselves. Over the course of February, we invite you to be intentional with respect to your practice of gratitude by following the easy and intuitive prompts in our “Month of Gratitude” calendar. For each day in February, we have included a short thought or activity that will help build your gratitude muscles. The intent is to inspire a feeling of abundance and hope with short reminders to help you to cultivate a mindset of gratitude each day.
A helpful hint: Keep this top-of-mind. Consider printing this calendar and tape it to your refrigerator or bathroom mirror to have a constant reminder to be intentional in your practice of gratitude each day of the month.
Enjoy your Month of Gratitude…